Clinton City Schools’ strives to prepare students to become productive members of society.

The concept of “Being Productive” has a different interpretation depending upon who you ask. Christie Tyndall, third grade AIG teacher at Butler Avenue, wanted to tie the curriculum to real life for her students to assist their students in understanding what being productive could mean. The students were assigned the task of interviewing local business owners. Part of the assignment was to see how those business owners really use the math they were taught when they were in school.

Kristen Cumming and Allen Tyndall, both local business owners, visited with students at the school to share with students the importance of math and how often it is used during daily business, like ordering and preparing food, and building and renovating homes.

According to Cummings, who owns Ribeye’s, simple task such as ordering and preparing food require skills such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and measuring.

Tyndall, of Allen Tyndall Construction, spoke about building, and renovations. He shared how in doing those no matter the size he must use area, perimeter, geometry, adding, subtraction, multiplying, measuring, and rounding every day.

Kristen Cummings shares a math lesson with third grade students from Butler Avenue School. Cummings shares a math lesson with third grade students from Butler Avenue School.

Allen Tyndall talks about measuring as part of his construction business. Tyndall talks about measuring as part of his construction business.