We live in a country that has these words on its currency: In God We Trust. It is impossible to trust God if you don’t know what He has said. America acts as if it has no idea what God has said.

Like most Americans, I am so sick and tired of hearing about all of the investigations going on in Washington, D.C. surrounding the President of the United States. I am sick and tired of hearing Democrats criticizing Republicans and Republicans criticizing Democrats. I am also so sick and tired of hearing folk in around this community express so much hatred towards our current President and the former President. And it doesn’t stop there.

Like most citizens of North Carolina, I am so sick of hearing about all the lawsuits brought about by Democrats and Republicans against each other in this state. I am also sick of all the marches and demonstrations by various groups expressing their political correctness. But most of all, I am sick over the fact that everybody is talking about politics and those in politics, but no one is talking about what God says.

Take Romans 13:1-7 for example. In that passage, God says every soul, (whether Republican or Democrat, or Independent) is to be subject to the governing authorities because the governing authorities that be are ordained of God. God has established three important institutions on earth. They are (1) The home, (2) Government and (3) The church.

It is God who has established the governments of the world. In other words, the authority to rule comes originally from God even thou God is not responsible for the sins, misdeeds and blunders of those in office. A person may not like the individual in office but according to God every person must respect that office. And let me make one thing perfectly clear. Barack Obama would have never been President of the United States if God did not want him to be President. And Donald Trump would have never been elected President of the United States if God did not want him to be President.

Many people I know hate Donald Trump but they are obligated by God to respect him as President of the United States. Many people I know hated and still hate Barack Obama, but they are obligated to respect him as a former President of the United States. According to the passage above, both Trump and Obama are and were Ministers of God because they were in an office or position ordained by God.

God says, as long as any political authority do no demand its citizens to violate God’s word, believers are to reverence and obey the governing authorities. Most of the uproar on the political and governing landscape today has nothing to do with what God says but with what certain special interest groups and the media says. Most Democrats and Republicans would be shocked if they truly looked at every politician based on how what they say lines up with what God says.

I have a lot of Republicans Christian friends who have forgotten all about what God says when it comes to what Donald Trumps says. I also have a lot of Democratic Christian friends who have forgotten what God has said on certain issues because of what Barack Obama has said.

God says if a people or nation do not respect, reverence and obey those with governing authority it will lead to that nation or people facing the judgment of God. The same is also true if a nation or people fail to stand up to a political leader when they expound policies and beliefs that are contrary to God’s Word.

America could very well be on the brink of judgment from God. Our focus should not be on Trump, Obama, Hillary, N. Korea or Russia. But if you have to focus on them or their issues, it should be and it better be based on what God says. What God says is for yesterday, today and forever!!!


By Gilbert Owens

Contributing columnist

Gilbert Owens is a native of Roseboro and a columnist for The Sampson Independent.