I used to be so broken, lost, empty.

A heart with no beat.

A singer with no song to sing .

So I know the feeling

The silence is deafening

But in your pain lies a blessing

A sweeter song of victory

So keep walking ,walking,walking

Though it seems so far.

No matter who you are

See, there is one thing that I know

Life it can leave ,You so bitter bitter,bitter, bitter

But you must believe

That it gets better,better,better, better

I allowed those lyrical words of “Better” by Jessica Reedy to seep deep inside of me.

They flowed past disappointments, rejections, and loss. I had to not only hear but to really listen to what God wanted me to hear. Although situation seemingly appeared that trials and tests won’t get better, it’s always imperative to never give up on your faith in God. The day faith is given up is the day you begin to exist and NOT live and there’s a vast difference between the two. To live a life of prosperity and happiness takes great strength and the desire to live in spite of life contending forces. You MUST believe. Be healing. deliverance, marriages, finances, and joy are on route to you right now.

The signs are in our valley of decisions. Often times, we allow our emotions to take the driver’s seat to our destinies. It may seem impossible, but you can control your action in the most extreme situations.

You do not have to put up a fight—just listen and hear the answer since it is clear. It is calling you. Do not reside in the land of settling and complacency. Make happiness your homestead, allow patience to be your guide, and God your Teacher. These are the magnets that will draw you to nirvana.

The ideal job is out there for you. The ideal mate, ladies, will find you. Men, your soul mate is waiting for you to discover her. She waiting for you to reach and obtain your goals. She awaits you as you battle insecurities, self-doubts, and financial difficulties. She awaits you, as she plans the layout of her house. The home will be chosen once you and she unites. Morphing her from lady-in-waiting to “who takes this lady?” Once she is married, her house is now a home. Her name has been changed from single status to Mrs. Status. Wear his ring, girl. Wear is name, girl. He is the one. He is your King and you are his Queen.

You are soaring now. In addition, this is the confidence that we have in Him that if we ask for anything according to His will, He hears us: And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him (1 John 5:14-15, author’s translation).

Those words have become my song of faith, and activating my faith. When contending forces arise, I speak a word. These words propelled my faith in the bleakest moments. However, the situation was still before me, I was strengthened with the belief that my prayer would not go unheard. This was the confidence I had, as I knew it was His will for me to have the things I was professing.

Know that God is not a respecter, of persons. He loves us all. There are many levels on our life journey, just to name a few: education, speaking, singing, and faith.

The certain ones can endure more than others do. Job’s experience in the Bible is a wonderful example. It is in our endurance stage where the questions often arise. God, do you love me? Have you forgotten me? The misplaced feeling arises. Allow me to encourage you. You are not alone. God is with you. You might not feel Him at the moment or see Him. Nonetheless, He is there. He is on call twenty-four hours. He sees and hears your heart. How can He not? You are His.

Those late-night tear sessions, you thought no one was privy to and wanted to give up. Exhaustion was claiming you. The pain was too laborious for you. He was breathing into you. That is why you were able to face the next day. You are not forsaken. He does not abandon those He loves. Our natural senses would not allow us to believe this. Humans are creatures of habit. Order is comfortable and easy to understand. Temporary out of order, that’s what is happening. The disorder does not last always. Call the Maintenance Man, and watch God fix it! Let’s go get it!