David, the shepherd boy who slayed Goliath, spent time with his best friend, Jonathan – King Saul’s son, without knowing that one day he would rise up and act crazy like a fox to save his life and hide with his renegade army in caves while being pursued by soldiers seeking to kill him! The young lad, who refused to be taunted while facing the giant, was in dismay as all other men hid and trembled in fear.

“Someone must “Rise Up Now” and kill this giant Philistine soldier from Gath who mocks God and laughs at the cowardliness of silent soldiers hiding in fear” the shepherd boy cried out! David might have been ‘just a shepherd’ …’but God’ had greater plans for the son left to tend the sheep. Imagine the whispers of those who would not face the giant when they saw David stand up to face Goliath with only a bag of stones and strong faith that Goliath would die.

How awesome is our Father God Who sees and seeks to guide us to victory when we give Him our best and trust Him to take care of the rest! God was with David as he accepted the challenge to Rise Up to the test. David did not delay in doing the task at hand, He stood tall in faith and trusted God to do the rest as he hurled a stone from his slingshot that sent the evil Goliath to the ground, never to rise up again. Shouts of victory, from the fearful soldiers who did not engage, echoed throughout the land as they praised David’s bravery. Their faith floundered without believing that with God…’yes we can’!

David used the giant’s own sword to cut off his head. Then, the young shepherd boy, who was ‘the apple of God’s Eye, stood tall and held the bloody head for all to see what God can do when we ‘Rise Up Now’ to face evil giants rising up all across God’s creation. Now, is truly the time for all Christians to come to the aid of our country that is sinking in sin and being destroyed from within. As David did, we must stand up for Jesus as soldiers of the cross and face the evil giants within.

David was a man after God’s own heart as he boldly stood for what was right and good in God’s sight. Yet, David had to Rise Up and Run from Saul who longed to kill him. Taking refuge in Gath brought memories of the season when Goliath went to Gath with raging vengeance against God and His people! Surely, David thought of the day he stood tall with rocks and a slingshot as his only weapons to kill the ten foot giant. David loved God and chose to fight Goliath instead of cowering in fear. The towering giant bellowed out demeaning remarks about David’s heavenly Father. So, the shepherd boy stood tall, slung his rock, and took the giant down. What a glorious day when David saw the need to Rise Up Now (R.U.N.) and kill Goliath who mocked the Master and sent fear that kept David’s older brothers and many others from rising up and defeating the giant.

Now, back to David being on the run and having Goliath’s sword with him as he entered the city where Goliath was from. People in the city had heard the songs of praise about David…, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands: 1 Samuel 21:10.

They were not fond of David and he feared for his life. David knew he must rise up and run with a plan to save his life. So, he pretended to be insane and did an amazing job acting like a drooling lunatic. The Philistines believed his madman act and were fearful of his ‘crazy actions. They were fearful of the man who killed Goiliath and acted crazy like a fox.

David escaped and hid out in the cave of Adullam where nearly four hundred of his men joined him.Did David sin by pretending to be crazy or was he all the while praying and believing God would deliver him? David was the apple of God’s eye who was willing to Rise Up and Run to give glory and honor to God and defeat his enemies along the way. David was still a hunted man at a low point in his life; yet, he chose to Rise up, Pray and Trust in the Lord!

Let us all be encouraged to Rise Up and Run to God while standing boldly for what is right and good in his sight…for Jesus could return any day now. – morning, noon, or night!

Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.