A scripture in 1 1 Corinthians 5: 1-2 stirred this story about the House of the Soul and checking our faith. Think on the meaning of these verses from The Message.
“For instance, we know that when these bodies of ours are taken down like tents and folded away, they will be replaced by resurrection bodies in heaven – God made, not handmade – and we’ll never have to relocate our ‘tents’ again.”
Have you enjoyed a camping experience with family and friends near and dear to your heart? The first thing most folks do when they go camping is pitch the tent. Some people have their own small pop-style tent and others often have a mega family-sized tent to deal with putting up and taking down. Whatever the tent looks like, it is no more than a temporary dwelling place, not our real home.. Can you imagine living in a tent in hot deserts or cold terrain for long periods of time? Even our homes we’ve saved for, worked hard to have built, and sacrificed to have them custom designed to meet our needs and desires will not last forever. They, too, are temporary and much as we love and cherish the old home place, one day it will be empty and we will be gone to Heaven or to hell. So, where are we pitching our tents and how is the house of the soul?
The tabernacle, or ‘Tent of the congregation’ was a tent that temporarily served as God’s dwelling place here on earth but was just a shadow of things to come. Why? The tabernacle was patterned after God’s spiritual tabernacle in heaven. How hard it is to imagine the glory of God’s dwelling place in heaven forever and ever! Oh, the joy of Beulah Land when our work here is done. Seeing eternal homes built by the Great Architect – GOD Himself will keep us praising and worshiping Him as we are Rising UP Now R.U.N.
The apostle Paul was a tentmaker on the side. He would have understood our earthly tents being folded up and put aside for our time here on this planet is timed and temporary. When we die, we’ll go to a house not built by human hands, but to one designed and built by the great architect – God! We can only imagine what heaven will be with all the glory and light and forever tents – eternal homes – put in place by Thee. “Yes sir e” – The House of the Soul is being prepared for you and me, being built for all God’s children who look to Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life, walk in faith, and have a close relationship with Thee.
“Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me” 11 Peter 1:14 KJV
Having a faith check is always needed as we go forth in this sinful world. What will transpire in our world as we witness things written in Revelation happening before our eyes? When we (believers) die, we leave our earthly tents behind and move into our heavenly homes for eternity. There will be no more temptations, violence, no sickness or disease, no decay or corruption, no exhaustion or loneliness, and no pain. There will be no more death, and definitely no more tears. Oh, what a day that will be when we leave our tents here and head to our heavenly home built by the great architect -GOD – for eternity!
Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.