Over the past year, particularly the past few weeks, we have seen a lot of bad things happen in our communities and throughout the world.
We have seen large plane crashes. We have seen people killing each other in homes, stores and in the streets. We have seen yet another school shooting. We have seen one man kill fourteen people with his trust as a weapon. We have even seen a man kill and blow himself up in his vehicle. But all of this violence, mayhem, death and misery is nothing new.
Thousands of years ago, there was a just and righteous man named Job who lost everything in one day. He lost his oxen, asses, camels and sheep. His servants and children were also killed on that same day.
Before Job lost everything on that dreadful day, he was unaware of a conversation that took place between Satan and God. Satan appeared before God and God asked where he had been. Satan told God he had been going up and down the earth. His purpose for doing so was to see who he could devour.
God eventually gave Satan permission to touch everything that Job had, but Satan was to leave his life alone. But before getting permission to hurt, steal, kill and destroy Job’s permission, Job was still going up and down the earth to see who he could devour.
Ephesians 6:12 has been given to us to help explain what was going on with Job and what can also happen to us from time to time. We, like Job, do not wrestle or have struggles with flesh and blood. Our real struggles are with spiritual demons who operate under the guidance of Satan.
Satan has a kingdom of demons who operate at different levels of society. Demons are fallen angels. They receive their instructions to do evil from Satan. They are smart, cunning, knowledgeable, and deceitful.
The Bible has given us some examples of what demons are capable of. They can cause physical diseases. They can cause mental sufferings. Demons tempt people into immoral practices. Demons promote and teach false doctrine and they are committed to do evil or cause others to commit evil.
What happened to Job over a thousand years ago is happening today. There is a battle, a fight, a war going on between good and evil, period. What’s really going on in this world is a constant war between good and evil. It’s not about racism, it’s not about division, it’s not about radicalization, it’s not about Democrats and Republicans, it’s about good and evil..
The source of all good is Jesus Christ. The source of all evil is Satan. Satan is here to kill, steal and to destroy. Jesus Christ is here to give us life and life more abundantly.
Every act of racism, whether it’s done by a white person or black person, is about good and evil. Every school shooting is about good and evil. Every terrorist act is about good and evil. Every immoral sexual act, whether it’s fornication, adultery, or homosexuality is about good and evil. And of course, every sin is about good and evil.
So what are we to do? How can we protect ourselves and loved ones from being caught up in this war and not becoming a casualty?
There is only one thing we can do and it is given to us in Ephesians 6:10. It says, “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.!!!
How can we be strong in the Lord? How can we be strong in the powerer of His might? May I suggest at least three things that must be done.
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might by walking everyday by faith and not by sight. Don’t believe everything you hear or see, but believe every Word that comes out of the mouth of the Lord. Read the Bible everyday for yourself and believe what you read. Obey the Word that you read regardless of the circumstances you may find yourself in.
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might by making sure you have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Spend time with Him as often as you can. Talk to Him as often as you cna. Talk to Him about how good He is. Talk to Him about your problems, your struggles and your sins. Jesus should be the one you can discuss things with like nobody else.
The Apostle Paul suggests we can be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might by putting on the whole armor of God every day. We must put on truth, righteousness and an eagerness to take the good fight good and evil to Satan himself. We must put on and believe the promises of God and carry His word in our hearts and minds. And daily prayers must be part of our daily wardrobe.
Even after God allowed Satan to bring evil to Job, Job remained strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Many wanted Job to curse God. But even after Job experienced all the evil from Satan, he was able to say and proclaim this about the Lord. “Ye thou He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” In the end, the Lord blessed him with more than he lost. Amen.
Gilbert Owens is the minister at Kingdom of God Ministries.