It’s a fact of life that as you age, your body needs fewer calories. It’s kind of a bummer, but there are ways to deal with it and still enjoy some of your favorite foods.

First, why does this happen? It’s all about your metabolism, which is your body’s ability to break down nutrients and convert them into energy or store them as fat when you take in more energy than you burn. A lot of your metabolism has to do with muscle mass. Since muscle cells are busy moving your body around and doing things, they require energy, whereas fat cells basically just sit there doing nothing except storing fat

In general, a man has more muscle than a woman of the same weight so he will have a higher metabolism. And, of course, age makes a significant difference too. When you’re a teenager or in your twenties, your metabolism is relatively high. But around age 30, you start to lose a little bit of muscle and put on a bit more fat. You may not notice it much at first, but as you get older your muscle mass will decrease even more, and your metabolism will slow down because of it.

The loss of muscle reduces the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight, and if you continue to eat the same amount of calories every day without changing your level of physical activity, you’ll gradually gain fat. A pound or two a year may not seem like much at first, but over the years, the weight can add up, and you can run the risk of becoming overweight or obese. You can prevent weight gain as you age. Although we can’t turn back the clock and become young again, gaining unwanted weight doesn’t need to be inevitable if you put forth the effort. Here are a few things you can do about it.

Stay or get active. Increased physical activity can help you maintain your weight. Resistance exercise like weight lifting can increase your muscle mass, which may increase your metabolism and number of calories burned. It also increases your strength and overall fitness. Aerobic activities such as running or walking burn calories while you’re moving. They are also good for your heart health.

Be sure to watch what you eat. Although you may need fewer calories, you still need to get your daily vitamin and mineral needs met. Choose nutrient dense foods such as fruits and green and colorful vegetables that are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals. Lean protein sources such as fish and seafood are low in calories and contain omega-3 fatty acids that many diets are lacking. Make sure you get plenty of high fiber foods (non starchy vegetables, whole fruits, legumes, and 100-percent whole grain products.

More than 2 of every 3 adult’s nation wide are overweight or obese. Excess weight raises your risk of developing serious health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems, and certain cancers. There are many benefits of having a moderate weight in people with obesity. These are just a few of the things you can do in order to make the changes needed for a healthy weight.

For more information on calories for aging/ along with physical activity. Contact Lethia Lee at the Sampson County Extension Office 910-592-7161 or [email protected].

Lethia Lee Lee

By Lethia Lee

EFNE Program Assistant

Lethia Lee is the EFNEP program assistant for the Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program with the Sampson County Cooperative Extension Center.