Easter for this year has passed. Next Easter will be on Sunday, April 20, 2025. Can we all get together and celebrate Easter Sunday together next year? Can we all get together and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ together as one?

When I say all, I am talking about all Believers, all Christians, and all who have the free gift of Eternal Life. I’m talking about you and old, Blacks Whites, Hispanics and all other races. And I am talking about those who don’t know Christ but would like to get to know Him.

We will agree, Easter doesn’t seem to be what it used to be. I remember, not so long ago when churches would celebrate Easter together as one. I remember when churches would take turns having Worship Services every night during Holy Week and everywhere attended every night to whatever church was designated for that particular night. And I also remember, on Easter Sunday, everyone reverted back to attending their individual churches. This was done in both parts of the white and black communities.

This past Easter was marred with demonstrations about climate change and the Hawas/Israel war. Some of these demonstrations were done in the middle of some church services.

This past Easter was also desecrated by a proclamation to use Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day. What a shame!!! Have we forgotten, God said He will not and does not share His glory with anyone!!!

Can we all get together and plan a County Celebration of Easter in 2025. None of us know what things will look like in 2025 But one thing we as Believers do know: God will still be God and Jesus Christ will still be Jesus Christ!

Can we all get together, plan together and pray together to Celebrate Easter in 2025 as one Body of Christ? After all, the Bible says in Ephesus 4;5-6, there is, “one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, and one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”

Gilbert Owens is the minister at Kingdom of God Ministries.