Have you received something unexpectedly that you prayed for, searched for, longs for, and thought you would never find it? What a wonderful feeling fuels our faith and teaches us the power of prayer when something we’ve prayed for happens.
Revelation 3 reminds us that God can open doors no one can shut and shut doors that no one can open. He also knows our deeds.
“He stands and knocks at the door to our hearts. Yet, it is our choice to open the door and let Him come in”!
This powerful work has sparked authors and artists to write and paint the poignant message that causes people to marvel. The famous picture of Jesus standing at the door of a quaint cottage knocking is a favorite of mine. Jesus knocks and waits to enter the home; yet, there is no doorknob on the outside for Jesus to open that door.
This picture can be found in churches including The Community Church in Clinton and Emma Anderson Chapel at Topsail Beach where the beautiful painting of Jesus knocking almost covers the back wall. Every little detail stands out making the picture seem like a real life opportunity to open the door and see Jesus’ outstretched hand. When worship service is over and the exit lines move like a snail, I do not fret. Rather, I stare at the earnest expression on Jesus’ face while waiting for someone in that home to open the door and invite Him inside.
Have you invited Jesus into your heart…your home? Have you opened the door to your heart for the Master to enter? Jesus waits patiently white many postpone meeting Him; others throw open the doors of their hearts and welcome Him in.
For years, I shopped diligently for a copy of the special painting with Jesus knocking and waiting for the door to be opened for Him to enter … to no avail! Then, one day a neatly wrapped package arrived in the mailbox at Tim’s Gift. With great anticipation, I tore it open and gasped when I rolled back the paper towels the sender used to protect the precious parcel.
There was a hand drawn and perfectly painted picture of Jesus knocking at the door with no doorknob of that cottage. Tears filled my eyes with full focus on Jesus knocking with hopes that someone would open the door and invite Him in! Oh, that all God’s children would open the doors to their hearts and let Jesus come in to stay!
The question reeling in my mind was ‘who could have known I wanted this picture’? The answer came when I opened the letter inside the package. Someone spending time in prison took time to draw and color the picture. Still in shock, I thanked God for touching the person’s heart to do this act of kindness.
The picture is a treasure and constant reminder of how God works in wondrous ways, sending great gifts when least expected. It serves as a witness of Jesus’ love and mercy for all His children. The Message never changes; Jesus knocks and waits for us to open the doors of our hearts and homes and let Him come in. Come in today — come in to stay — come into our hearts.
Lord, Jesus!
The old hymn we know by heart comes to mind in closing. “Jesus is waiting to enter your heart. Why won’t you let Him come in? Time after time He has waited before, what is your answer to Him?”
“For such a time as this” let us open the door with no outside doorknob and invite Jesus to come into our hearts and make Himself feel right at home
Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.