Do you discern The Voice that whispers in your ear? If that powerful nudging, whisper, stirring you hear agrees with what God says, it is the Holy Spirit that whispers sweetly and waits to see what is your answer to Thee! It disagrees with the nature of God and what He says about you and your life, it is Satan tugging and tempting! Steer free of Satan’s wiles.
Using a filter to discern who is speaking is wise. When filters are neglected, dirt and dust cause our hearing and air conditioners to stop working efficiently. Without cleaning and replacing worn out filters, our home environments become uncomfortable. Yet, with proper care the filters work well!
With proper care and continuous cleansing, our hearts stay in tune to whispers and stirrings from our heavenly Father. When we neglect our duty to love as Jesus did , those stirrings become weak, thrusting us in danger of devilish defeat.
The book of James is a great source for strength to discern and do as Jesus taught through parable, lived his life, and died to save us from our sins. He did it all in obedience to His Father with Love reigning and ruling His heart. James says we must resist Satan and he will flee. Putting him behind us should come with a commanding voice and strong conviction that we will not be swayed to and form like the waves of the ocean. To keep Satan away, we must stay clean and close to Thee while listening to His Voice that will guide our way, set us free, and cause Satan to flee.
We read in Luke 4 how Jesus discerned the voice of Satan whispering in His ear. “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” Jesus’ answer, written in red, simply said: “It is written: man does not live on bread alone”!
Satan continued to tempt and test Jesus to no avail. Jesus simply said… “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” Satan’s voice didn’t agree with what God said about Jesus. SO, Jesus discerned and kept His attention focused on His Father. Though Jesus was hungry and tormented by the devil’s taunting and temptations, He put the devil behind Him and stayed true to God’s plans for His life.
God sent His Son to die for your sins and mine, to teach us, by example, the greatest commandment to love our neighbors and sent a helper — the Holy Spirit — to live in our hearts and help us discern His voice.
Jesus lives within our hearts if we invite Him in: He will never leave or forsake us. God’s Holy Spirit gently guides like an inner GPS directing our paths through storms and sunshine. Who is whispering in your ear? Align your life with what God says about you, listen as He speaks and shows you the way, and enjoy the good life He has given?
Are we listening? Are we sure we’re listening? Yes, Preacher Jones … we are listening and looking for Jesus any day now
Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.