What comes to mind when you hear “Rise Up — Reach Out”? Throughout childhood my parents instilled lessons of rising up and reaching out. Those memories continue to bless me as I live out loud in love the last trimester of my life. Mother taught us to rise early and get things done so later in the day we could have some fun. The rooster’s crow from our backyard signaled it was time to get up and get going. Rising up on Sunday mornings for a big breakfast before dressing in our Sunday best reminded us how blessed we were, even though hand me downs filled my drawers and left overs were never thrown away. Living Christ centered lives keeps us rising up and reaching out even when seasons of sorrow and sadness threaten to keep us stuck in winter.

Reaching out to give help and hope was taught by example at an early age. I remember helping my mother deliver homemade soup to neighbors, putting flowers on loved ones’ graves, and filling up the drink box with glass bottled sodas at the end of a long day at our country store.

Long after the store closed and daddy rested in his recliner, people pulled in our driveway and honked their horns. Daddy would fasten his prosthesis in place and head back to the store to get them a loaf of bread, gallon of milk, and anything else they needed. Those lessons stuck in my heart, instilling the importance of rising up and reaching out to help neighbors in need.

While writing this story, my thoughts centered on what lessons today’s children are learning from parents across God’s creation.

Rising Up can be difficult when one gets out of the habit or becomes complacent. Staying put while others get the world done or resisting when reaching out is necessary can keep one from following God’s plan and receiving blessings to behold.

Remember what happened in the movie Top Gun, when the wing man had difficulty rising up after a tragedy spiraled him into depression? He had to overcome his fear, rise up, and engage! Once he did that, he was ready to reach out and be the best of the best until our time to go Home comes.

Now, in the year of 2024 is the time for all God’s children to break bad habits and rid our land of sinful living, repent and renew relationships with Jesus and those we have aught against, rise up in obedience to Him, and give God honor and praise in everything!

Are we ready to travel the narrow road to Heaven for glorious living forever and ever or will the wide one to hell pull us into darkness where the devil taunts and haunts in pits of torment for eternity.

Are we really ready? Let us Rise Up and Reach Out to God with helping hands and humble hearts in sync with our Savior? So, are we really and truly ready to head home for eternity? The alert has sounded with blessed assurance that morning, or night, or noon … JESUS is coming soon.

Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.