Are you saddened by the state of affairs in America and across God’s creation? Keeping a close connection to God that will order our steps, words, and ways is wise in the war against wickedness! Terrible tragedies and evil living where ‘what is wrong is made to seem right and what is right is made to seem wrong’ prevails. Evil — once contained — has been released without restrain! The Trojan Horse has entered through open doors. Across our land hurt, hatred, horror, and dishonor for God spreads rampantly as ‘we the people’ who ‘love God first and love one another’ wring our hands with disbelief, broken hearts, and determination to take a stand!
What can we do?
“For such a time as this” we must act in faith as Queen Esther did. Joining forces as Christian believers, raising our voices in praise, praying for God’s Word and Jesus’ ways to be restored, rising up courageously, trusting God who wins in the end, and listening to the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction from within … can (if we repent and rise up in faith and courage as Holy Spirit led Christians) bring us together never apart!
Realizing this season of war and wickedness is…” a struggle, battle, wrestling, fight is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” Ephesians 6:12
We (His children) stand on the promises of Christ our King — letting His praises ring, giving God glory and honor, confessing and repenting our sins, looking to our Father for help, praying without ceasing, truly standing up for Jesus and praising Him in everything…then, God will hear our prayers, forgive our sins, heal our land and things of this world that bewilder and break our hearts again and again…that we cannot understand…He will handle as we surrender all to Thee and get the focus off ‘poor, pitiful, you and me – people who have had milk and honey flowing endlessly with little gratitude and honor given to He, our heavenly Father who loves all His children — red and yellow, black and white, rich and poor, Americans and Asians, young and old — for God our Father in His Word boldly told: “Love Me first with all your heart and soul and mind … and love one another.
Jesus loved children to come unto Him. He took time to talk with them and held them on his lap to teach stories about their heavenly Father and loving one another. A simple song reminds us that Jesus loves all the children of the world for they are precious in His sight. Our Helper – the Holy Spirit, was sent to live inside our hearts and help lead us through trials, troubled times, and triumphant ones too … like when Jesus returns in the twinkling of an eye to rapture (who?) … people who asked Him into their hearts and lived life here connected to The Vine no matter the cost!
So, what can we do in our mixed up – messed up world? We can stay true to our love and witness for God, stand up as Christians united in love, for love in any language — straight from our hearts — pulls us together, never apart!
We, His children can stick together and sing in perfect harmony…Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with you and me! Then, He and we will not be sad or mad, but glad!
What can we do?
Let us make this bold proclamation and bravely stick to it through good and bad times. “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15 Joshua , one of the two spies who encouraged the Israelites to proceed into Cannan, even though giants lived there, shared these strong words. He believed God would give them the victory even though there were GIANTS to contend with. We deal with giants daily but must have faith and courage to stand up and trust God for the victory as did Joshua. He and one other spy believed God would be with them to proceed into Canaan and win the victory. After Moses’ death, Joshua became the Israelites’ new leader. He was a man of God who stood for what was right and good in God’s sight and acted in faith without delay … even when giants seemed to block the way.
What a victory if all His children would see the light and loyally serve the Lord morning, noon, and night! Let us pray for all Christians across God’s creation to make the bold proclamation “…as for us and our house, we will serve the Lord”! Joshua 24:15.
That’s what we can do!
Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.