Have you been blessed recently by attending a revival? Oh, the joy of a rousing revival that ushers in the Holy Spirit and reminds us to get up and go when many stay away – a no show!
My heart overflows with refreshing joy that refuels my soul with a deep yearning for revival to break out and be heard around the world! How about you? Are you hungry for powerful preaching, heart wrenching singing, and touching testimonies that tell how great is our God?
In many churches, revivals are a thing of the past. Could complacency, busy lifestyles, lack of interest be to blame for fewer revivals happening across our land? The devil delights when darkness penetrates we love and revivals go by the wayside. Our home sweet home is soured with sin and the Trojan Horse has been pulled within! What are we to do? Pray and stay closely connected to the Lord who loves all His children and longs for us to rise up and be revived in our work and witness for Thee.
Mrs. Eloise Brewington knew exactly what to do and shared God’s Word, Jesus’ way, and the Holy Spirit’s stirrings passionately with all she met until Jesus called her Home at 97 years old. She preached revival from the recliner in her home, in her Prayer Connection Circle, her church, in small and large gatherings, and anywhere she was with even one child of God who would stop and listen. God downloaded messages in her heart knowing she would ‘Get Up and Go’ sharing His Word far and near.
Mrs. Eloise preached sermons and put her heart into serving Him without worry or fear! She enjoyed a close connection and heard divine whispers of warning to be shared with people, especially preachers. She prayed over me in 2007 and prophesied my healing with exact words that happened and helped me see the power of prayer, trusting Jesus, a miracle of healing, and living boldly for Christ in love and humility!
Mrs. Eloise and I embraced a close relationship ( a mother and mentor she was to me) and enjoyed frequent visits in her home with powerful preaching, prayer, and talks. She proclaimed warnings from God who wants His children to ‘get up’ and ‘get going and get reconnected to God with guts and grace. Then, we can witness and tell people about our Jesus while embracing pure, precious worship with God our Father. She heard from God through her prayer time and powerful profession of faith.
God desires to be closely connected to all His children. We can understand for we share that burning desire for close relationships with our loved ones too. He wants to be first place in our lives with connections that give time for daily walks and talks that tell Him we are His own. He longs to be the One we go to, long for, love first, and share all about our troubles and triumphs with Him instead of posting everything on Facebook. Christ wants to be the One we never delete from our contacts. He loves deeply and longs for a personal relationship with each of His children.
God is well pleased when revival breaks out across His creation with His children praising, singing, and sharing His love language for all the world to see the power of God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Only God knows when His Son will split the eastern sky riding His white horse with bands of angels and shouts of glory to God in the highest. He Is Coming and all will bow and honor Him as Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Oh, that we would love Him as King David who praised the Lord with everything.
Are we ready for revival? Yes, we need revival and repentance as words from a favorite hymn proclaim… “Revive us again, for the Son of Thy love, for Jesus who died and is now gone above. Revive us again, fill each heart with Thy love: May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. Hallelujah! Thine the glory. Hallelujah. Revive us again. AMEN!
Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.