Have you read what God said in Isaiah 45:5-6? God said, “I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside Me. I am the Lord, and there is none else!”

Based on the statements above, God is the only one true living God. There are some who need to know that no President, no Pastor, no Pope, no athletic, and no entertainer is God.

For the next several articles, the Holy Spirit has directed me to deal with one simple question. And that question is: Who is God?

The answer to this question will determine what kind of life you will have now and in the hereafter. It will also go a long way in determining your worth and value.

We who live in America, live in a country that proudly proclaims to the world. We are “One Nation Under God.” We also display these words down the walls of our government institutions and on our money, “In God We Trust.” Many of our government officials and leaders, before they take their positions, put their hand on a Bible and make an oath. At the end of the oath, they say, “So help me God.” Who is this God?

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever taken the time to look up the word, “God” in the dictionary? Well I have and it says: “God – a being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe.” There is, however, another book that is better equipped to tell us who God is, Of course, that book is the Bible, written by God Himself through the hands of many.

This is the introductory article to a series of articles about who God is. Now is the time, more than ever for all to know who God is. I’m not talking about as a church, group, or race of people. I’m talking about knowing Who is God for your individual self.

The first set of articles will deal with who God says He is. The second set of articles will deal with what others say about God. The third set of articles will focus on the great things God has done. The fourth set of articles will deal with enormous love of God. And finally the last set of articles will deal with the great things God says He is about to do. Right now I have no idea on how these articles will be written or what they will say. I’m leaving that to the Spirit of God.

Let us begin:

When God met Moses, He told Moses to tell Pharaoh to let His people go and to tell Israel He would deliver them out of bondage. Moses asked God, in essence, “who should I tell them you are?” God said tell them, ‘I am that I am.” God was telling Moses, He is the only one who is, “Self-existent.” Another way to put it is to say, “I am of myself.” We should never get into these silly arguments or debates about where did God come from?. This is why faith is so important to God. Everything about God begins with faith.

Before God talked to Mosus in the book of Exodus, He called himself Jehovah in the book of Genesis. The word, “Jehovah” has two meanings, Lord and the self-existent one who reveals himself. God is the Lord who is self-existent and He reveals who He is.

God, in many ways, has revealed to us that He is Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord who provides. Whether you realize it or not, everything that you have has been provided to you by Jehovah-jireh. The means by which you are able to acquire, purchase or accumulate things has been provided by Him. When David said, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,” He was talking about Jehovah-jireh. For example, every single thing in our church building, from the pews to the choir robes has been given to us from various individuals sent to us by God, and we don’t even have a choir!!!

God, in many ways, has revealed Himself to us as Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals. If you, or someone you know, has ever recovered from a serious illness or disease, it was because of Jehovah-Rapha. There are some in my family who are dealing with serious medical issues and everyday that they are able to function, it is because of Jehovah-rapha. I was once diagnosed with cancer. After getting home from the doctor’s office, I immediately wenT to my backyard and built an altar and called it Jehovah-Rapha. I prayed and worshipped at that altar and I have not heard the word cancer from my doctor since!

God, has revealed Himself to us as Jehovah-Shalom, the God who gives us peace. Like many of you, I have been through a lot in this life. People still talk about me, they still persecute and lie about me. And like many of you there have been many trials and tribulations. But through it all, I have peace today because of the God who gives all of us peace in the midst of many storms.

This is just a short list of who God says He is. There is more to come. And when we get to know who God really is, then and only then will we be able to understand and appreciate what Jesus said when He said, “if God be for you, who can be against you.”

Gilbert Owens is the minister at Kingdom of God Ministries.