This is the second article of my series entitled: Who is God. As I indicated last week, we are living in a time when we all need to go back to God as our only hope. Perhaps the reason for leaving God in the first place is because we have forgotten who God is.
God is everything. Knowing what that everything is, is indeed vital to have the right relationship with Him. Last week, we focused on God as the one who reveals Himself to us as Jireh, Rapha, Salom, Nissi and so much more.
In Mark chapter 14, a woman anointed Jesus for His burial. Later Jesus and the disciple prepared for Passover, which led to the Last Supper. After the Last Supper, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane. While there, Jesus went to a quiet place to pray to God. Mark 14:36 tells us Jesus began His prayer with the words, “Abba Father.”
With the word “Abba,” Jesus addresses God with the Aramic household and intimate term for Father. The word, “Abba” reflects a loving and endearing attitude that God the Son has for God the Father. We are to have that same attitude towards God.
“Abba” expresses three things. It expresses Jesus’ unique relationship with God the Father. It expresses Jesus’ dependence on His Father. It also expresses the intimate relationship Jesus had and has with His Father. Every Believer is to have a unique relationship with the Lord God. Every Believer is to depend on the Lord God. And every Believer is to have a close intimate relationship with the Lord God.
Abba is comparable to the words, “daddy” and “papa” that we sometimes use to express our biological fathers on earth. When my children call me “daddy,” I melt with affection and great love towards them. When my grandsons call me “PaPa” I feel the same way towards them. Those two words create in me a desire to do anything for them and it causes me to love them more. God feels the same way and even more so when we affectionately call Him, Abba.
The Apostle Paul uses the same word, “Abba,” in Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:6, to express to us as Believers, that we too, have a unique, dependent and intimate relationship with God the Father and God the Son.
When you are in deep trouble, severely depressed, lonely, angry or your feelings are just hurt, call on Abba. When you have tough decisions to make and just don’t know what to do. Call on Abba. When you are anxious about something, in fear of something or just need someone to talk to, call on Abba. In those special moments when you come to realize how good God has been to you, just say the words, Abba, Abba, Abba.
Gilbert Owens is the minister at Kingdom of God Ministries.