God speaks in the midst of sunshine and sorrow, war and peace, heartaches and happiness. Our Creator, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit love, never leave or forsake, and long for us to serve passionately while staying focused in faith on THEE! Satan goes to and fro across the world looking for those He can tempt, taunt, turn away from serving the Lord, stew in pity, and eventually destroy.
Hopefully, we the people are listening to God who created, loves, looks after, and longs for us to have a close connection with Him here and spend eternity in Heaven when our work on earth ends. That is when our forever and ever and ever begins. God (Father – Son – and Holy Spirit) longs to share a personal relationship with His children and welcome them Home to Heaven when our time here is done! Satan, the enemy, schemes with devious attempts to steal, kill, and destroy all of God’s children and throw them in the pits of hell for eternity.
We make the choice to serve and honor the Lord or the devil; that decision makes all the difference in how we live our lives here and where we will spend eternity! Does the Holy Spirit breathe on you, cleanse your heart, and have Thine own way in your life? Reading many of the Psalms King David wrote sparked this story on ‘How We Serve the Lord’!
King David began serving God faithfully as a young shepherd boy who felt the tug and began serving passionately by accepting the challenge to slay Goliath…with a rock and slingshot! God’s favor was with David through happy and hard times, living in caves and a palace, faithfully serving the Lord and sinking in sin when temptation overtook him, standing strong for the Lord with his renegade army, or running from King Saul (who knew David was destined to be King) and his soldiers on a mission to kill David – ‘a man who stood tall, took action, served the Lord with all his heart, messed up, took a fall, repented, stayed true to his divine call, and loved God through it all’!
David made mistakes, endured seasons of stress and being put to tests, took responsibility and was judged for his wrongful actions, wept over his dead son; yet, pressed forward in passionate not pitiful service to His heavenly Father. David’s boldness, bravery, and bluntness followed him all the days of his life as he waited to be crowned King but would not kill Saul to make it happen. He prayed, repented, grieved, pressed forth in faith to follow God’s plans for His life, destroyed enemies, gave food, ammo, and spoils of war to His soldiers and others in need, loved his best friend, Jonathan, who gave up his position to become King so David would be crowned King. David was “the apple of God’s Eye” who served passionately even when times took their toll on… the man after God’s own heart!
So, how are we serving the Lord…passionately or pitifully? When our hearts are in tune to Him … celebrations of praise and worship will be filled with the wonder of His love. Serving the Lord with gladness, goodness, and gusto shows the power of serious Christians seeking to serve the Lord with passion and purpose. Like King David, passion for Christ continues when we repent and stay connected to our Source for happiness here – until we die and in Heaven for eternity.
Though the world seems to be mixed up and messed up with depression, destruction, and distressed people seeking help and hope, we are not expected to fix it for them. God does that! Yet, we are called to stand firm in faith, not succumb to pitifulness, love God first – love one another, and serve the Lord passionately… for as long as we shall live here and with Him in Heaven for eternity!
Finally, ask and answer honestly … How am I serving the Lord?
Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.