How do we count the ways God loves and looks after us in life’s’ storms? His love is wider than the ocean, deeper than the sea, with wonder working power in the blood of the Lamb shed for you and me! He is the Good Shepherd who loves being closely connected to all His sheep so precious in His sight – red, yellow, black, and white! Yet, peace and happiness here -even in storms- only come when we trust, obey, love, honor, and live by His Word and way!

God sent His Son to shepherd His sheep, calm storms that caused hurt and hardship, stand strong against Pharisee minded – religious teaching and living, call disciples to train up in the way they should go out together to teach the world about God, His love for His children, his desire to have a personal relationship with them, and learn to live and love like Jesus modeled through teaching, miracles, perseverance, faith, hope, and the greatest of these: to LOVE!

Jesus shared stories with examples to help people stay safe in storms. He told of leaving 99 sheep to rescue one lost sheep. Then, he worked miracles to train His disciples and teach the multitudes safety in storms come when we are anchored to Christ, the wind and waves will subside in severe storms when we keep our eye on the sparrow, a few fish and loaves of bread can feed thousands when we truly believe and call out to Thee, Pharisees will not be able to cast stones at Jesus who knelt and wrote in the sand and said, “Those without sin cast the first stone’!

Their storm was consumed with destroying Jesus and His witness of love, forgiveness, faith, and living life closely connected to The Vine. Jesus trained His disciples and spent time with his beloved telling of storms to come. One would come hard with Satan tempting Jesus to show His power by jumping off a mountain, turning stones into bread as Jesus fasted and prayed in the wilderness. Then, Satan, as a serpent, tempted and taunted Jesus in the garden before the soldiers came to arrest Him. A heartbreaking storm swept through the garden when one of His own — Judas — betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

Final storms pounded as Jesus was put on trial by the Pharisees’ hatred for Thee. His Rock, Peter, denied Him three times, his body went through a storm of brutal beating and breaking of His bones, He dragged His cross to Calvary with His mother witnessing the storm of persecution and prodding by people who had no idea her Son would be their Savior, And the storms went on until Jesus hung His head on the cross and said, “It is done’! Jesus weathered every storm knowing His heavenly Father was with Him through it all.

Do you know Jesus and feel His strength and presence with you through life’s storms or are you lost, sinking in sin, seeking peace in storms that never cease? Stand up for Jesus and shut out Satan’s deceit and darkness that seeks to destroy and keep you sinking in sin far from the peaceful shore. The devil longs to leave you in pits of despair where his trickery and lies make you think you are doomed and no one cares.

Stand up in faith, call to Jesus, ask Him into your heart, tell Satan to depart, Make Jesus Lord of your life, tell Him about your troubles — get to know Him personally, watch what He can do as He walks by your side and causes the storms to subside. Jesus will be your Best Friend when you put all your hope and trust in Him. The storms will subside as you feel His presence all around, especially by your side. Then, you can enjoy daily life and on God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit rely!

Next week’s story shares the perils of a storm that moved slowly and severely damaged things in its path, especially our little corner of the world. This storm had the same name as one of Jesus’ disciples! Do you remember the name and damage done by that unique storm?

Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.