The apostle Peter wrote, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (I Pet. 3:15). Though multitudes fail dismally in this, some do study the Bible enough to answer someone wishing to know why they expect to have a heavenly home after they die. Yet, of those, how many can actually provide proofs of Christianity’s fundamental beliefs? Real Biblical faith is not a blind leap in the dark, as some attest, but is based upon a combination of reliable evidence and the use of common sense or sound reasoning. The word “apologetics” comes from the Greek word “apologia” which means “to defend, to answer, to clear of false charges”. In the realm of Christian apologetics, or in other words Christian evidences, there are three areas that one might have to prove. The existence of God—God is, the deity of Jesus Christ—He being the Son of God, and the inspiration of the Bible—it being the word of God. Needless to say, a thorough study of all three of these topics would be lengthy to say the least. Hoping to tweak the interest of at least a few, we want to present a very brief look at a few proofs for the validity of each of these three areas of study.
First, consider the existence of God. The first proof we might offer is that known as the cosmological argument (cause and effect). A cause is a reason for something, and effect is a result, outcome or consequence of a cause. The “law of causality” is the basis for all scientific study. Every effect, must have an adequate cause. It is this truth that the Hebrew writer alluded to when he stated, “every house is builded by some man” (Heb. 3:4). A house is an effect, thus there must have been a cause. There are only three possible explanations of our universe. It is uncaused, being neither a cause nor an effect, thus being eternal. Or, it caused itself, self-created. Or, it was caused by another, it was created. Applying a little logic here; nothing creates nothing, something now is (the universe), therefore, something or someone had to cause the existence of this effect. The Bible teaches that someone who has always existed is God. Then, there is the teleological argument. It simple states that design necessitates a designer. When you see that house, you know that it was not the result of a hurricane blowing through leaving a pile of refuge behind, for it is obviously designed, you know someone built that house. The universe is so chock full of design, common sense dictates, there is a designer.
Lets move on to the proofs for the inspiration of the Bible. Scientific foreknowledge is where we find the Bible speaking of science years before these things were discovered by scientist. Again, space would not allow a complete list, but the fact that life is in the blood is seen in Leviticus 17:11. Germs and hygiene is seen in Numbers 19:11-22. The paths of the sea are mentioned in Psalm 8:6-8, and even the very fundamentals of science, identified by Herbert Spence (1820-1903), time, force, action, space and matter are found in the first verse of the Bible. Historical foreknowledge abounds in the pages of the Bible. Daniel’s prediction of the four empires beginning with the Babylonian and ending with the Roman, could only be known by way of revelation from God. The destruction of Nineveh, the destruction of the city of Tyre, the destruction of the city of Babylon and the destruction of Jerusalem are just a few of the many examples of historical foreknowledge. The Bible is not a geography book, but one can rest assured, the places mentioned of within its pages were real and as described, as many an archeological dig has proven.
And finally, there is proof after proof within the pages of, the already proven to be the inspired word, Bible that proves Jesus to be the Son of God. His birth of a virgin (Isa. 7:14), God declaring Him to be His Son (Matt. 3:16-17; 17:1-5), His own declaration of Himself as the Son of God (John 9:35-38), His teaching and His miracles all proved Him to be the Son of God. The grand slam proof is seen in Romans 1:4. “And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead”. John concluded his gospel account with the words, “And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name” (John 20:30-31).
Let us put forth the effort needed to prove to ourselves and then to others that God is, Jesus is the Son of God, and the Bible is the word of God.
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