Are you enthusiastic, determined to succeed, pray for and love your country? Then, this story about Godwinks in the history of America, one nation under God with liberty and justice for all, will surely be your cup of tea. May you be intrigued with an interest to be on watch for Godwinks as you live your life out loud in love and trust God to protect, provide and guide.

This week’s story is filled with similarities in the lives of two great Americans who were most involved in the writing of the Declaration of Independence. Before I begin, can you pause and recite the Preamble to the Constitution? What about the proud and powerful American statesman who signed his name big and bold on the Declaration of Independence so the King of England was sure to see his allegiance to America? We the people and John are clues for you.

The two men most involved in the writing of the Declaration of Independence were John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on the same day in 1826. They died on the Fourth of July, the date that the historic document was signed. And it wasn’t just any Fourth of July. It was the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Wow, those Godwinks get our attention as pioneer leaders and Statesmen stood on solid ground for what was right and good in God’s sight, even though fear and disagreements kept them working long hours many nights. With Godly, strong leaders they stood together for the new nation where freedom would ring and praises people would sing. They pledged allegiance to the United States of America with God as the cornerstone of our great nation.

“For such a time as this”, we watch elected men and women squabble and surrender — under pressure — many not showing love and support for our land and our Lord, nor standing strong for what is right and good in His sight. This causes havoc across our land where honor for God’s Word and way seems to be slipping away! Surely, there are Godwinks happening (though we man not know where or when) that will rise up in revival and rejoicing as ‘we the people’ repent and rely on HIM! One day, people may read of how Godwinks came to change hearts and inspire leaders to look to the Lord for leadership through these troubled times.

Back to President Adams and Jefferson and more Godwinks that marked their terms in office. They died on the date of the act that “linked their fame with their country’s glory” and surely heaven celebrated when they entered the pearly gates. Both President Adams and Jefferson were hard workers, wealthy, highly educated, lawyers, friends of Independence, members of committees for preparing the Declaration of Independence, ministers, vice presidents, and presidents.

What powerful Godwinks connect the lives of these two great Americans who helped shape the future of America the Beautiful. They persevered for what was right when many cowered in fear and complained in contrast to God’s plans for our young nation. Adams and Jefferson stood firm as Christian pioneers providing strong leadership and love for God and country as one nation under God was being pieced together by His mighty Hand and help, with blessed assurance He would bless this land! Praise God for strong patriots who stood strong with legacies that still shine, and for our great God who Winked Big Time!

Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.