The opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France took place on Friday July 26, 2024. It was a day of mockery to all Christians.
During the opening ceremony, which was seen by millions of people around the world, there was a portrayal of Leonard DaVinci picture of the Lord’s Last Supper. The portrayal had Jesus depicted as an obese trans woman and His apostles were portrayed as drag queens.
This was an absolute disgrace and mockery of the Christian Faith. This was an insult to Christians around the world.
Several leaders from around the world have denounced the Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony and the Olympics as a whole. After much criticism, Thomas Jolly, the director of the opening ceremony said this, “we wanted to portray diversity and inclusion.” He then went on to say, “in France, we are a republic, we have the right to love whom we want to love and we have the right not to be worshippers…” Sound familiar?
Even our first lady, Jill Biden said, “the opening ceremony was spectacular, I don’t know how we can top this when the Olympics come to Los Angeles in 2028.”
My initial reaction to this mockery went something like this; are you kidding me, this is unbelievable, how can they have the nerve to do this? I hope your reaction was somewhat similar.
The more I thought about the mockery of the Last Supper , I came to one shameful conclusion: The Church should not be upset with the mockery of the Last Supper, because the Church has made a mockery of Holy Communion.
The Last Supper of Jesus Christ came about or as a result, of the Jewish Celebration of Passover. Passover was a Jewish ordinance instituted by God, as noted in Exodus Chapter 12.
In Exodus chapter 12, God spoke to Moses and Aaron. God told them, at that time, “this month shall be the beginning of months for you.” In the Jewish calendar, that month is called Adair, a period of days between our March and April.
On the tenth of that month, every household was to procure a lamb, without spot or wrinkle. On the fourteenth of the month they were to kill the lamb and put its blood on the doorpost of the house. Exodus 12:13 says, “And the blood shall be to you for a token, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague (death) shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.” The lamb was then roasted and eaten with unleavened bread and bitter hers. God said that day will be a memorial to them and they shall keep it as a feast, by an ordinance forever.
Clearly, what God told the Jews in Exodus 12, was pointing to a greater deliverance from the bondage of sin, which will be provided by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.
In the Old Testament, it was the responsibility of every head of household to make this happen. The Jews Passover celebration is today’s Christian Holy Communion. And as it was back then, it is the responsibility of every head of a Christian family to see to it that Holy Communion is observed. It is a mockery, when the church doesn’t teach the head of every household, that a Believer, whether man or woman, is responsible for their entire family to participate in Holy Communion. Imagine the teaching moments made available in a home when Holy Communion is done in the home. What a child sees in church, should be first seen in the home. Today, we have left the responsibility of executing Holy Communion to Pastors in the church. It is not necessary for the head of a household to be dressed in a robe, surrounded by others in robes to execute Holy Communion. They only have to be dressed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
One of the things I am most proud of, is when I gave my children and grandchildren Holy Communion. I cannot tell you how glorious that was and I cannot tell you in words, how the presence of God was manifested.
At Passover, the head of every Jewish household took bread in his hand and said, “This is the bread of affliction which our father ate in the land of Egypt,” At the Last Supper Jesus said, “Take, eat, this is my body which is given for you.” Jesus changed the whole significance and emphasis of Passover. He changed it from looking back to redemption from Egypt, to faith in the redemption from sin accomplished by His death.
According to Exodus 24:1-8, God’s covenant with Israel was sealed with blood. God’s covenant today with Jews and Gentiles is sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Believers must clearly understand what is the purpose of Holy Communion. The purpose is best stated by the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 11:26. It says, “For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do shew (proclaim). the Lord’s death till he come.” By taking Holy Communion you are expressing your faith, which proclaims, you believe Jesus died for the sins of the world, He rose on the third day and He’s coming back to earth again!!! if you partake in Holy Communion for any other reason, you are not worthy to do so. We should, prior to Holy Communion examine ourselves, as to whether or not we truly believe in Jesus and what He has done.
The church has made a mockery of who’s worthy and who’s not. Even to the point that many will sit through an entire Service and actually leave when it’s time for Holy Communion. And churches will even pause for them to walk out. What a shame. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. Jesus said He did not come to condemn the world, but to save the world.
Today, the Body of Christ, through various denominations, independent churches and religious leaders have come up with so many different rules, ordinances, procedures and operations for Holy Communion. Most of them are man-made and did not come from scripture. Is it any wonder, why the Last Supper has been mocked for the whole world to see.
Gilbert Owens is the minister at Kingdom of God Ministries.