Brad Spell, head coach of the state championship Clinton Dark Horses, delivers a heartfelt message about his team just before they were all recognized by the City Council.
Michael B. Hardison | Sampson Independent
The Clinton High School state championship men’s soccer team was honored by City Council Tuesday, praised as hometown heroes for their accomplishments.
That night was council’s first meeting of 2025, but before business got underway Mayor Lew Starling invited up a special guest, Brad Spell, head coach of the Dark Horses soccer team. Accompanying him were the very young men and coaching staff at the center of it all, and they nearly filled the council chambers.
When he got to the podium, Spell said it wasn’t his plan to speak that night, even so, he knew exactly what he wished to say. And it was all about those who got the Horses to this moment.
“I wasn’t planning on speaking, but I will, and the first thing I’ll say is that I’m blessed beyond measure,” Spell attested. “This is my 26th year coaching at Clinton High School. After all, my years of coaching at Clinton, I’ve still got the juice for it and I still love it. Those early mornings at 6:30 a.m. working with these guys is some of the best times of my life, so I thank you for mentioning them and inviting us to be here.”
Spell was touted for his role as head coach and being named Coach of the Year for 2024. While the spotlight was placed on the veteran coach, for Spell, it was those he brought them that he credited for his achievements.
“I know it was mentioned about me being Coach of the Year, well, that’s a fantastic accolade, but I know that without these gentlemen behind me, none of that was possible,” Spell said. “I know for a fact that I‘ve got the best coaching staff in the state. We work really hard and a lot of people don’t understand what that word truly means, working hard.”
When Spell mentioned working hard he wasn’t referencing just the team’s play on the soccer field.
“I think we’ve got one of the most elite programs in the state because of things we do, not only for soccer, but for the community, and our fan support is fantastic,” he stated. “You don’t see a lot of soccer programs with the fans we have in the stands for us, and it’s just an unbelievable feeling. So, again, I’ll say, I’ve been blessed to get to coach our Clinton High School soccer program.
“I just want to thank you once more for the opportunity of coming here tonight,” Spell added. “While all the glory and accolades are great and all, it can’t be done without those here that stand with me; they’re the one’s that made me look good.”
The coaching staff and team received their honors soon after Spell’s unplanned and heartfelt speech. The coach announced each player in coach in a proud and loud voice, giving them accolades and praise for becoming the state champs and heroes to their hometown.
As names were called, both Starling and Mayor pro tem Marcus Becton circled the room shaking the hands of each player and coach, presenting medallions, pins and plaques, and sharing their pride in the team.
While Spell spoke plenty on his team, the sense of pride for all they achieved wasn’t just felt by the Dark Horses, it was community-wide. Those mutual feelings were expressed from more than a few that night, each sharing words reminiscent to those by Councilman Neal Strickland.
“I just want to tell you how proud the citizens ought to be of the way the community came to support these young men, especially for the last two games,” the councilman began.
“The stands were full, and so, I know seeing them achieve this made y’all proud. One thing I liked to share about these young men, when they played for the Eastern championship. Most of those men played travel ball and some of the opposing team members were on their travel team. To see the way they went up to those former teammates and consoled them after losing shows your character; I was real proud of the way y’all did that.
“I can bet those rough, hot summer mornings at 5 a.m. weren’t all that bad while you were jumping around celebrating and holding that trophy,” Strickland added with a laugh. “It just shows that hard work does pay off, and you can tell that y’all worked harder than any other team, so congratulations, we couldn’t be more proud of you.”
Reach Michael B. Hardison at 910-249-4231. Follow us on Twitter at @SamsponInd, like us on Facebook, and check out our Instagram at @thesampsonindependent.