Members of the Warsaw Baptist Church Women’s Missionary Union paid a visit to Clinton last week, bringing with them dozens of diapers to donate to Lifeline Sampson. The WMU and church family collected the diapers over a three-week period in January. Pictured are, from left: Connie Matthis, Lifeline volunteer Mariel Sheffield, Kathryn Wynn and Teresa Gasperson.

Members of the Warsaw Baptist Church Women’s Missionary Union paid a visit to Clinton last week, bringing with them dozens of diapers to donate to Lifeline Sampson. The WMU and church family collected the diapers over a three-week period in January. Pictured are, from left: Connie Matthis, Lifeline volunteer Mariel Sheffield, Kathryn Wynn and Teresa Gasperson.

Members of the Warsaw Baptist Church Women’s Missionary Union paid a visit to Clinton last week, bringing with them dozens of diapers to donate to Lifeline Sampson. The WMU and church family collected the diapers over a three-week period in January. Pictured are, from left: Connie Matthis, Lifeline volunteer Mariel Sheffield, Kathryn Wynn and Teresa Gasperson.