Photo of the fire this past weekend at the 400 block of Reedsford that spread from a storage building into the grass, burning part of a house, and threatening cars and other homes nearby.
                                 Courtesy photo

Photo of the fire this past weekend at the 400 block of Reedsford that spread from a storage building into the grass, burning part of a house, and threatening cars and other homes nearby.

Courtesy photo

<p>Charred remains of a storage building strucutre that burned late Sunday morning.</p>
                                 <p>Chuck Thompson | Sampson Independent</p>

Charred remains of a storage building strucutre that burned late Sunday morning.

Chuck Thompson | Sampson Independent

A residential fire late Sunday morning on Reedsford Road sent multiple fire departments out to respond.

A building next to a house caught on fire, according to Clinton Fire Chief Hagan Thornton.

“We responded to a report of a house in the 400-block of Reedsford Road around 11:19 a.m.,” confirmed Thornton. “The 911 center updated units while en route that they had received multiple 911 calls. Squad 21 arrived to find an outbuilding in the back yard fully involved with extension into the two-story home next to it.”

He noted several other buildings, vehicles, and a double-wide mobile home were in danger of burning when crews arrived.

“Crews knocked the fire down outside to prevent the endangered items from catching on fire, while simultaneously making entry into the two-story home to complete a search,” said Thornton.

“Once the primary search was completed on both floors, a handling was directed into the front door of the two-story house to ensure all fire was extinguished. Crews on the interior contained the fire to minimal extension into the house.”

Firefighters from across Sampson County responded to the scene Sunday. Clinton Fire Department, Taylors Bridge Fire Department, Turkey Fire Department, Halls Fire Department, Salemburg Fire Department, and Warsaw Fire Department answered the call.

According to Thornton, fire marshals from both the city of Clinton and Sampson County were on the scene in the late morning and early afternoon investigating the charred areas to determine the cause of the fire.

The incident is still under investigation.