Do you believe God did great and mighty things to establish our nation?

I do, and ‘for such a time as this’ it seems the teaching of God’s Word and history of the country we call home sweet home is endangered! Have our senses been dulled and hearts hardened toward God, our Creator, strength, and shield as taught in Psalms? Have things of the world pulled on peoples’ heartstrings, taking first place in plans and passion for living closely connected to our heavenly Father? Are we withering while wondering what in the world has gone wrong in homes and hearts across our planet?

Have we disconnected from the Vine, losing compassion for one another and being of one mind as taught in 1 Peter? Has our strong faith in God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost been silenced by special interest groups who deny God and question His Word? Have Christians put their lights under bushels refusing to let them shine for fear of being singled out or secluded? Have believers settled for safety on back burners where simmering in silence and stewing in discord disconnect us from the Vine and distance us from our Father and families ? What can we, the people of the United States of America, do? We can pray! We can changes our agendas and attitudes! We can carve out time to study God’s Word and live by Jesus’ example! We can turn up the heat of grace and watch God heap coals upon the heads of our enemies!

The actions and attitudes of people living in America can make a difference in our destiny. So, what can we do to help protect our liberties and bring healing to our country? We stall in places where Dr. Suess would deem dangerous ‘waiting places’ where one can live and die without stepping in faith to the plans God has for one’s life. The Israelites wandered in the waiting place for forty years while the promised land was within a stone’s throw. Maybe not that close, but oh the years they wasted going round and round when their destination was close at hand. Have we wasted time wandering and wondering? When we fail to honor God, love Him and neighbors as ourselves, live with dignity and desire to make our nation a better place, stand up for Jesus, go and tell His story…and ours, we settle for life without peace and promise in weary, waiting places all the days of our lives.

So, what can we do to protect our liberties and bring healing to our land? Prayer and passion for Christ and country must be restored in hearts and homes where fires of faith have been dimmed by Satan’s devious plans to destroy our lives and love for God.

Restoration can come if we pray, humble ourselves, seek the Lord, and turn from wicked ways. Then, God will be well pleased and do His part. He promises to heal our hearts and bind our wounds in Psalms. In 2 Chronicles He promises ‘IF’ we do the above that he “will” hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land.

So, what are we waiting for? The time is now to come to Christ, to honor Him for mighty things He did establishing our nation – a land flowing with milk and honey, to return to His Word and ways, to respect and love one another while standing strong on the promises of our Creator, to seek revival that stirs fires of passion for Christ and purposeful living, to take responsibility for what we are called to be and do, to embrace repentance for sins and seasons stuck in wicked places, and to remember…!

We must remember who we are and where we came from while stepping in faith to the plans God has for us to prosper. We must remember to study God’s Word and share stories that keep history alive. We must remember that God’s Word and ways are real and relevant, what is right is right, what is wrong is wrong, God’s grace is amazing. Remember the importance of taking time to gather your family to pray, to remember milestones, to tell stories of forefathers and mighty things God did to establish your family. Reserve precious time on your packed agendas to remember and reach out no matter how large or small your family may be – carve time to stay closely connected to them and Thee! Remember that Jesus loves us this we know and God’s grace covers us wherever we go…even dangerous places where we fail to remember while being tossed to and fro like the waves of the sea.

So, now is the time for we the people dabbling in sin, lukewarm living, and dangerously disconnected from Him to repent and let revival begin. We are responsible for standing up for Jesus and letting our little lights shine.

Remember that trusting and obeying become a way of life when Jesus is the love of your life!

By Becky Spell Vann

Contributing columnist

Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.