The epistle to the Hebrews is my favorite section of the New Testament. It is a letter that combines together the truths contained in both the Old and New Testaments. It also contain 5 major warnings to believers that are designed to encourage us to study the Word of God and obey it.

The first warning to believers can be found at Hebrews 2:1-4. In that passage we are warned not to neglect our salvation. Our salvation came at a great price and we cannot expect God to sit idly by and let us get away with neglecting our salvation and eventually drifting away from the Lord.

We neglect our salvation when we do not study the Word of God like we should. We neglect our salvation when we do not obey the Word of God as we should. We neglect our salvation when we don’t pray as often as we should. We neglect our salvation when we don’t spend enough time with the Lord alone. When we fail to do these things and others we often drift away and find ourselves in trouble.

We can fall into a routine of going to church on Sunday and Bible Study once a week, while at the same time neglecting our salvation. The focus of our salvation should always be about our personal relationship with the Lord. We can lose sight of that when we get too caught up with pleasing the Pastor, impressing other members of our home church, and appearing faithful with all the things going on in our churches.

Our salvation is a great salvation that came as a result of a great price paid by God’s Son. Our salvation comes with great promises and blessings, and it leads us into a great inheritance in glory. Do not neglect your salvation.

By Gilbert Owens

Contributing columnist

Gilbert Owens is the pastor at Kingdom of God Ministries.