A new attraction to this year’s BloomFest was rock climbing and it held a huge crowd all day.
This BloomFest classic made its return and there were just as many smiling faces on parents as the young riders themselves.
Any festival around Sampson County wouldn’t be the same without Hubb’s Farm barrel train rides.
Live performances had a big presence at BloomFest again, as line dancing, singing, a sax man and more entertained visitors. Pictured is Allison Radcliffe and her band.
Classic old cars are another staple of BloomFest and they didn’t disappoint this year.
This 1953 Ford was posed with details of its origin, having been purchased by Roseboro’s Mrs. Iona S. Price on April 22, 1953 for just $1,718.64.
Vendors galore took over the streets of Roseboro this past weekend during BloomFest. Just about anything you can imagine were in those stalls, from face painting for youth, to home decor and informational booths such as AT&T, to name a few.
If there’s an event where serving food is an option, the members of The Grateful Shed will make an appearance.
From the arts and crafts on Art Alley, over to the bustling park and basketball court, the youth of Sampson County were having loads of fun.
The Reedy Mark owner Donna Reedy was having as much fun as her patrons who visited during BloomFest on Saturday.
The Reedy Mark’s bar manager Saray Rodriguez was grinning ear-to-ear as the drinks kept flowing during BloomFest.
No matter which path chosen, be it through downtown, over at the park or by the walking trails, everywhere you turn there was excitement taking place.
This was an all-to-familiar sight in Roseboro this weekend during this year’s annual BloomFest.
Students from the Leopards of Lakewood’s FFA program had some of the plants they raised for sale at BloomFest.
Refuge Praise Team entertains at BloomFest.
James Howard plays sax for the masses at the festival.