Recently, the Clinton Lions Club welcomed as their guest speaker, Jeff Swartz, coordinator for BackPack Buddies in Clinton. BackPack Buddies started in 2010 literally on the dining room tables of Jean Kunzman and Ann Herring. They designed the program to provide packs of food for children at risk of not getting enough food on weekends away from school. The program is funded by significant contributions from individuals, memorials, churches, civic clubs and grants. It had grown significantly through the years. In 2013, the Clinton Lions Club decided to make BackPack Buddies one of the club’s signature community projects by contributing funds each month during the school year. The Lions Club conducts two fish fries per year — the club just conducted one on May 2 — and in addition to many of the club’s project, a significant portion of the fish fry profits goes to BackPack Buddies. Pictured at the fish fry are Lee West, Lions Club president, left, and Jeff Swartz, coordinator of BackPack Buddies in Clinton.