Groups team to bring life to center of Clinton
Several groups continue to make it their mission to add color and vibrancy to the public spaces around Downtown Clinton.
The Clinton Main Street Program, in partnership with the Downtown Clinton Team Hearts and Flowers, the Clinton Garden Club, and the Sampson County Master Gardeners, have partnered for many years to beautify several public spaces within Downtown Clinton.
In 2023, a small group of passionate volunteers from the Downtown Team Hearts and Flowers, Clinton Garden Club, and Sampson County Master Gardeners began discussing plans to update the area surrounding the Downtown Clinton welcome sign. In the fall of 2023 and for Christmas 2023, there were the addition of fall and Christmas plantings and decorations in this area.
Then, in early 2024, volunteers identified their desire to continue beautification efforts by adding four large planters, hanging baskets and accent pots downtown. Another beautification project recently added to Downtown Clinton is the new installation of several colorful new photos, in the display space located at 100 Fayetteville St. and referred to as the “Faces of Sampson.”
The first installation the Clinton Main Street Program installed at this location was in partnership with local photo artist Fred Dufour and included photos of several people representing the diversity in Sampson County. The more recent installation includes photos taken by Gloria Edwards, Ann and Don Butler, with the subject matter being the Faces of Sampson in nature with plants and flowers.
Mary M. Rose, planning director and Main Street director, said the goal is to create a vibrant downtown by way of the NC Main Street Four Point Approach of Design, Promotion, Organization, and Economic Vitality.
“Our committees, volunteers, and community partners are continuously working to utilize this approach to create a vibrant and thriving city center in Downtown Clinton which makes downtown more attractive to investment, small businesses, and visitors,” Rose stated. “We are so pleased to be able to continue to grow and expand opportunities to beautify Downtown Clinton by working with so many community partners and volunteers. Partnerships really do make great things happen in our community.”
Committee members said they have received many positive comments concerning the new plantings downtown.
“As a volunteer and member of the Downtown Promotion Committee, I find it rewarding to be a part of adding these plantings in order to attract positive attention and hopefully shoppers to our Downtown and its small businesses,” said Kay Raynor, Downtown Clinton Promotion Committee and Team Hearts and Flowers member.
As a Sampson County Master Gardener, Vickie Crane was invited to be a part of helping other volunteers identify what type of plantings would work well in Downtown Clinton.
“It is exciting to see the flowers and plants growing, especially with the rain we have recently been experiencing which definitely helps the plants thrive,” said Crane.
Bettie Williams, Lila Maxwell and Debra Ryan are members of the Clinton Garden Club Downtown Garden Committee and have worked together this year to add new flowers and plants in the garden near the downtown welcome sign.
“We are excited to be a part of the improvements in this area of our community,” Williams said. “Downtown is really looking very nice.”
For more information about the Clinton Main Street Program and Downtown Clinton please visit or contact 910-299-4904.