The book of James and a song in an old hymnal stirred this story about being trustworthy and doing things that are pleasing to the Lord. James was Jesus’ half brother, so their teachings had similar lessons that helped people understand how to live as Christians. The following headings and scripture are found in the book of James. May they refresh our minds on things Jesus taught and James reinforced that are important in God’s sight.

Jesus and James shared powerful messages about the importance of being trustworthy. James 5:12 “But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your “Yes” be “Yes” and your “No be No”, ‘lest you fall into judgment.’

The fifth chapter of Matthew is filled with teachings about being trustworthy in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Oaths and promises that happened frequently in the OId Testament became a casual way to convince others of one’s integrity in the New Testament. Jesus warned against making an oath, then not fulfilling it. He taught by example how being trustworthy is pleasing to God.

Solomon wrote that it’s better not to swear an oath than to swear and not pay. Ecclesiastes 5, James and Jesus made a person’s character the main point. They never swayed from letting your ‘Yes be Yes’ and your ‘No be No’! We are wise not to rely on oaths like ‘I promise’ to convince others we are speaking the truth. The way we live shows how the life of an honest person is an oath. Let us seek to live by the ways Jesus taught and be trustworthy to the end.

An old song titled “Whatsoever You Do” grabbed my attention when the paperback songbook opened to the song that seemed to reinforce the message about doing right and living a trustworthy life. I made up my own tune, so my singing fills the room as I type the ending to this story and ponder on Whatsoever I do! May you also think on these things and make a commitment to Christ to be trustworthy too.

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me – When I was hungry, you gave me to eat; when I was thirsty, you gave me drink. When I was homeless, you opened your door; When I was naked, you gave me your coat. When I was weary, you helped me find rest; When I was anxious, you calmed all my fears. When in a prison, you came to my cell; when on a sickbed, you cared for my needs. When I was laughed at, you stood by my side; when I was happy, you shared in my joy. Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me. Now enter into the home of my Father.”!

Always remember that Whatsoever You Do…Be Trustworthy!