Roseboro’s town board voted to approve the rules and regulation of their rental agreement Tuesday night, rules for those who wish to rent town grounds.
                                 Michael B. Hardison | Sampson Independent

Roseboro’s town board voted to approve the rules and regulation of their rental agreement Tuesday night, rules for those who wish to rent town grounds.

Michael B. Hardison | Sampson Independent

ROSEBORO — The ground rules for those who might want to rent the town’s park or new stage was approved Tuesday night following the board’s vote on its private rental agreement.

“Roseboro town grounds may be rented to responsible persons age 18 and over, for events such as family gatherings, parties, fundraisers and recreational activities,” Anna Rahilly, Roseboro NC Fellow, read from the proposed agreement. “The following rental agreement and fees are applicable. A rental fee of $50 will apply to water, sewer customers, taxpayers within town limits. A rental fee of $100 will apply to persons residing outside town limits. Rental agreements must be submitted at least 30 days before the proposed date. Please be aware that extra fees may be charged if rules above are not followed.”

Rahilly presented the agreement to the board, noting that under the agreement, the purposes of these rules and regulations, listed “Town Grounds” reference any public park in the Town of Roseboro as well as the Roseboro Stage in Roseboro Common at 103 NW Railroad St.

There were 21 listed items under the agreement which detailed the requirements for those wanted to rent.

Those stipulated rules include:

• Hours of operation are sun-up to sundown.

• No littering on the grounds, grounds must be picked up before departure or a fee will apply and garbage is to be placed in cans provided and can lids closed at time of departure.

• No firearms or weapons will be permitted on any town grounds for any reason. The town will provide signage for this policy at Town Grounds rental spaces.

• No alcoholic beverages are allowed on premises.

• No loud music shall be played according to Town Ordinance Sec. 22-5. — Noises.

• No cars should park in a way that will block the driveways of the surrounding dwellings or businesses.

• No renter can sublease any space, in whole or in part, within the town for any reason.

• All party rental equipment vendors must possess a Certificate of Insurance with the Town of Roseboro listed as an additional insured.

• Will you need electricity?

• Any renter must provide a copy of insurance documentation that will cover the event, including: homeowner’s insurance or Certificate of Insurance with the Town of Roseboro listed. Additional insurance information is attached. Anyone wishing to access town grounds during your event is allowed by law because this is public property. Your event cannot be exclusive to the guests you invited.

• ATVs, dirt bikes, vehicles, and any other motorized vehicle that could pose significant danger are not permitted on rental properties during private rental use.

• Permanent alterations to the town property, whether that be a building, a park, the stage, or a structure, are prohibited. No alterations are to be done to the structures for any reason. Significant advertising undertakings or projects with extensive set-up and take-down procedures must inform town officials of this and establish a safety plan with the town upon registry.

• Town of Roseboro sponsored events and programming shall take precedence over private rentals. If the proposed private event conflicts with a town event, the private party must find an alternate date.

• The renting party will be responsible for renting Port-a-John restroom facilities for the event. The Town of Roseboro takes no responsibility for providing restrooms to private renters.

• No bonfire or open flame of any kind is permitted on town grounds for any reason at any time. Town grounds renters are allowed to bring a grill or cooking apparatus to Roseboro Parks, but NOT Roseboro Stage.

• In the event of a cancellation, the renting party will not be fined or penalized by the Town of Roseboro. A 48-hour notice would be preferred, if possible.

• In the event of a cancellation due to inclement weather conditions, the renting party may re-book the site at no charge within 14 days of the proposed event.

• The Town of Roseboro assumes no liability for the renter’s use of a facility.

The final piece of those regulations was a Non-Discrimination Statement which Rahilly read to the board.

“The rental process for town grounds is designed to be non-discriminatory and equitable,” she said. “All applicants will be treated fairly and without bias based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other protected status. Our town’s commitment is to ensure that every individual has equal access to park rentals. Discrimination on the basis of any protected status at the private event is not tolerated and would result in a cancellation of the event. All guests of all backgrounds are welcome at any private event on town grounds.”

Also included, though not among the things discussed, was that the use of inflatables are only permitted at Roseboro Park. Another aspect of the agreement is that renters must sign a, ‘Personal Responsibility Statement’, for private use of Roseboro town grounds. It specified that renters had read the agreement confirming said party is to be personally bound by all the set rules and regulations.

A question on the agreement was brought up by board before they made a motion to vote. The inquiry was about feeds wording, which Rahilly recited in the opening remarks.

“The part where it says beware of extra fees which may be charged if rules are not followed,” asked Richard Barefoot, commissioner. “With this being a contract, doesn’t the fee need to specific?”

Town attorney Sandy Sanderson said he felt it shouldn’t be necessary with the addition of the personal responsibility statement.

“That was one thing I saw early on where it was talking about you would be financially responsible for any charges regarding repairs, damage, cleaning, etc,” Sanderson said. “I think that the thing they sign (personal responsibility statement)… I think that covers it. You can’t be so specific, because you don’t know the extent of any cleanup damage that type stuff, so I think by having them sign that it’s addressed there.”

While true, Sanderson did recommend that a copy of the personal responsibility statement be attached to the agreement given to all potential renters. With that resolved the motion was made to adopt the proposed rental agreement. It passed unanimously.

Reach Michael B. Hardison at 910-249-4231. Follow us on Twitter at @SamsponInd, like us on Facebook, and check out our Instagram at @thesampsonindependent.