Sampson County get ready, while the spooks of Halloween and gorging of Thanksgiving hasn’t arrived just yet, the spirit of the season of Christmas is already showing, thanks to the Clinton-Sampson Chamber of Commerce and the Sampson County Master Gardeners.
Both groups are getting a jump on the holiday season with currently open sign ups for the Annual Clinton Christmas Parade and pre-orders for Christmas plants.
Christmas parade
“The Clinton Christmas Parade is a beloved event for our county and beyond,” stated a Chamber email to The Sampson Independent. “Each year the Chamber, county and its businesses join with schools, clubs and organizations to parade our streets with floats, fire trucks, bands, marchers, cars, lots of candy and of course, Santa. The Clinton Christmas Parade kicks off the Christmas season as one of our county’s best-attended events. With over 5,000 in attendance, reaching many more through broadcast, newspaper, radio, etc., this is the perfect opportunity to promote your business!”
The Chamber has opened the door to let groups know that applications are now being accepted for the Christmas parade.
“If you are interested in being an entry in the parade, please complete a parade application ( > Events tab > Christmas Parade) or pick one up at the Chamber office,” the Chamber stated on its website.
The deadline for parade applications is Friday, Nov. 29, by 5 p.m.
The Annual Clinton Christmas Parade is held every year on the second Saturday of December. This year’s parade will happen on Dec. 14, 10 a.m., downtown Clinton.
Christmas plants
For those anxiously awaiting the beautiful plants that only come around during Christmas time, the Master Gardeners have you covered.
“Friends, Sampson County extension master gardener volunteers are now accepting pre-orders for florist-quality Christmas plants, offered in a variety of colors and sizes to suit your decorating and gift-giving needs,” Susan Williams, Master Gardener said. “Prices are the same as last year!”
Plants available for pre-order by the Master Gardeners are poinsettias, red, white, or Jingle Bells, Christmas cacti (red or pink) and amaryllis, both red or variegated.
An email with the two-page order form is being sent out via email from the Master Gardeners. For those that wish to pre-order, they are requesting the application be printed out, completed, and returned with payment to the Cooperative Extension Office, 55 Agriculture Place, Clinton, 28328.
Pre-payment may be made in cash, or by check, payable to SCEMGVA. Orders for their amaryllis are needed by 12 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 4. All other orders must be received by noon on Monday, Nov. 11. Orders will be ready for pick up on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the master gardener greenhouse, at the Cooperative Extension Office.
“Please share the order form price list with your friends and neighbors, or forward the message to them,” Williams said. “Additional copies of the order form are available at the Cooperative Extension Office. Sale proceeds support community education and environmental enhancement projects in Sampson County. We appreciate your support!”
For more information or to receive an email of the application form, contact Ann Butler, president of the Sampson County Master Gardener Volunteers at 910-337-2365 or