The final week before Christmas is upon us, with just eight days before Christmas arrives in all its finery. Between now and then, people will begin holding festive lunches with friends and family, round out their shopping, begin their cooking and make their final preparations for any travel they may be doing.

There is, and will continue to be, a flurry of activity leading up to Christmas Eve and, finally, Christmas Day, as we each, in our own way, prepare to celebrate one of the most wonderful times of the year.

Yet Christmas, in its most commercial way, isn’t a celebration for everyone. Even in the sense of the coming together of family and friends, for some this holiday brings more sadness and loneliness than joy and exhilaration because of sickness or lost loved ones, abuse and neglect or homelessness.

Our Christmas wish, no matter where in life you find yourself, is that deep down you will discover the true meaning of Christmas, allowing it to fill the emptiness, take away the hurt and bring a smile for no other reason than because the season inspires it.

It is our hope that each and every person within the reach of these words, and beyond, finds the real feeling that Christmas can bring, a feeling first stirred in a group of shepherds when they were told: “Today a savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”

That news changed the shepherds, and when they delivered it to others, it changed them, too.

So when will that feeling stir in you? Will you recognize it? Will you feel it in your heart? We believe you will, no matter your circumstances, if you are willing to receive the good news of a savior and accept it.

There will be many emotions shared in the coming days — love, sadness, happiness, excitement, emptiness — but none of those feelings will truly encompass the emotion that the real spirit of Christmas will bring when it truly envelopes your heart.

While Christmas is about the gift-giving, and the gift-receiving; about the families and the food; about the love and the cheer; about the smiles and the excitement that lights up a child’s eyes; about Santa Claus, reindeer and stockings filled to the brim, there’s something else about Christmas that we hope will come, quietly but forcefully, entering our lives at some point over the course of the next eight days.

And when it does, we’ll know that it is, in fact, Christmas, far more than a holiday and far more than perhaps we’ve ever truly realized it can be.

It’ll be that feeling we get when we realize that this day truly symbolizes something great, something that resonates deep within each of us, perhaps something we can’t quite explain yet we feel as powerfully as anything we’ll ever experience.

For Christmas won’t come when we open the presents. It won’t come just because we celebrate with friends and family. It won’t magically appear just because Dec. 24 and Dec. 25 will be the culmination of dozens of days of shopping and wrapping and spending.

It won’t come until we stop, open our hearts and feel the love of a tiny babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, a baby that Christians believe is the hope for all the world.

In that moment, when you focus on that baby and ponder the meaning of that birth, Christmas will come and with it will come all the feelings — sharing and giving, love and caring, compassion and tolerance — that signify that there truly is hope for a world that often seems to be reeling out of control.

It is a hope that, we believe, begins and ends with that tiny baby. It is that child who would grow into a man who — though he didn’t have a home, never traveled more than 200 miles from the place he was born, lost popularity at a young age and was nailed to a cross between two thieves — would die to save us all. That child embodies love for all and peace that we long for every day.

That’s when we believe the spirit of Christmas will begin for us. And, when it begins, though the day may come and go, the feelings it will bring will never, ever leave us.