Christmas is upon us.
For Christians, it marks the heightened celebration of Jesus’ birth, the remembrance of the long journey that Mary and Joseph made, the crowded inn and the stable where the saviour of the world would be born. In the still of that night long ago, a tiny baby came to bring hope and love and peace.
Nearing Christmas, at churches around our community, some doors may still be open for people to come, sit quietly, light candles and reflect upon the reason for the season.
In our world today, we are divided over our beliefs, fraught with distress about whether to wish someone a Merry Christmas or simply a happy holiday and, in many cases, more concerned with the gifts we’ll receive than the gifts we can give. There is nothing wrong with people saying Merry Christmas, for there is nothing about the words meant to offend or take away from another’s belief, yet there are those who would have it become an issue just so there is strife among people who should be searching for peace.
The truth is, we get offended far too easily these days, more determined to find fault than good and more bent toward anger than joy.
No matter your religious belief, no matter the gifts you can buy or the ones you will receive, this is the time of year when people should set aside extremist attitudes, selfish acts, unkind thoughts and anger to share in the joy of a moment, the stillness of a night, the thought of peace. For many that peace comes because of a tiny baby born in a lowly manger.
Whether we celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas or some other form of the holiday, celebrate we should, peacefully and happily, knowing that regardless what we may or may not believe, what we may or may not have, one thing is certain — it would be nice to have a day where everyone could lay day their weapons, their prejudices, their anger and their selfishness and try really hard to be the people who, somewhere deep inside, we all know we can be.
It is our hope, oft repeated during this holiday season, that as you settle into whatever celebration you will have, that you spend time with family and friends, offer a helping hand or kind word to someone whose holiday might not be as special as your own and provide gifts that don’t come wrapped in shiny paper and bright red bows — gifts of your time, your friendship, your volunteer spirit, your understanding and, especially, your love.
And it is our prayer that each of you will find your way to that manger where a baby boy was born, a baby who Christians believe was destined to save the world.
This season brings with it many emotions, but we hope at the core of those memories, and the new ones yet to be made, that we take solace in our place in this world and that we share our gratitude and love for others as we round the backstretch of 2024.