Fertilizing without current sample results is a guessing game and runs the risk of under or over-applying our fertilizer resource.
                                 Courtesy photo

Fertilizing without current sample results is a guessing game and runs the risk of under or over-applying our fertilizer resource.

Courtesy photo

The manure generated from animal production remains a valuable crop fertilization resource. Animal manure provides essential crop nutrients, but it is important that the manure is properly analyzed so farmers can know exactly what they are applying to their land and crops. When using best management practices, animal manure is an extremely valuable resource that helps increase crop yields.

For our swine farmers, our state general permits require waste analyzation by a certified laboratory within 60 days of any land application. Soil sampling is required every three years for irrigation fields at a minimum. Fertilizing without current sample results is a guessing game and runs the risk of under or over-applying our fertilizer resource. Knowing the current nutrient content of animal waste and matching that to the nutrient needs of the receiving crop will produce a good crop yield and won’t pose detrimental effects to the environment.

The Agronomic Division of N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services analyzes lagoon samples, interprets analytical results, and provides management recommendations to the producer for a fee of $8 per sample. To assist farmers in securing this report, Sampson Cooperative Extension schedules waste sample collection days every other month and provides transportation of the samples to the NCDA agronomic lab in Raleigh. In Sampson, we have established the following collection dates for 2025. Farmers may bring waste or soil samples anytime from 8 a.m.– 5 p.m. to Sampson Cooperative Extension (George Upton livestock facility) at 93 Agriculture Place, Clinton NC 28328.

• Feb. 4 (Tuesday)

• April 1 (Tuesday)

• June 3 (Tuesday)

• Aug. 5 (Tuesday)

• Oct. 7 (Tuesday)

• December 2 (Tuesday)

When taking an animal waste sample for lab analysis, it is important to get a representative sample that reflects the average composition of the resource to be crop applied. For the swine farmer, multiple subsamples measuring half a pint to one pint each from 10 – 12 sites around a lagoon should be collected. Always use a

clean plastic container for collecting, mixing, and storing waste samples as glass can break and galvanized metal containers can cause contamination and introduce micronutrients into the sample. It is best to take the samples at a depth of one foot and at least six feet from the bank. Once collected, these subsamples should be mixed together to form a representative sample that is stored in a clean plastic container three-fourths full. Taking the time to gather animal waste samples properly will give the producer an accurate account of the nutrient content of this fertilizer resource and produce good crop yield after land application.

For any questions, contact Max Knowles at N.C. Cooperative Extension in Sampson County at (910)592-7161.