I received my first bull sale catalog of the season in the mail yesterday. I’m sure it’s one of many that will come. I enjoy looking through them even if I’m not in the market for a new bull. But should I be?
We all know that calf prices are pretty good right now. Experts say these prices will stick around into 2027 and possibly haven’t peaked yet! In order to get the most of these record prices, let me encourage you to buy all the bull you can.
What I mean by this is think about spending a little more than you normally would on your bull to get one that has increased performance. Good calves typically sell at the top end of the price range. When prices do start back down, you will be in better shape to weather the market. Now, when prices are good, is the time to consider you need all the pounds to sell you possibly can at weaning. Not only will it pay off with next year’s calf crop but perhaps more so when prices go down. And we all know that even though projections are for calf prices to remain up for the next couple of years, the normal cattle cycle will return and can always be turned on its ear. I know when prices are low, it is even harder to make yourself spend the money for a bull. I’m often asked what a bull is worth.
While there are many variables that determine the value of an animal, the general rule is that a bull is worth 27 times the current selling price of six weight steers. According to the NCDA weekly cattle summary, the average price last week statewide for M and L 1 steers averaging 622 pounds was $222.19 per hundred. Using this price, bulls should be worth about $6,000. Again, this is just a guide not a set rule.
Now lets do a little comparing of two bulls. Bull A has a weaning weight EPD of +30 and Bull B has an EPD of +50. Theoretically, the calves from Bull B will weigh an average of twenty pounds more at weaning than those of Bull A. We’ll say these are two year old bulls that will be used on thirty cows. If you have a ninety percent calf crop, you will have an additional 540 pounds of calf to sell. Assuming you wean five hundred pound calves that is like having another calf to sell. So let’s say that 540 pounds sell at the average price from the same report above, which would be $244.21 per hundred for 500 – 545 pound steers. You have an additional $1318 in your check.
Keep in mind this is cowboy math for illustration purposes. You should make these calculations to compare prices for bulls you are interested in purchasing. In this example you could pay $1318 dollars more for Bull B than you would for Bull A and still cover the additional cost of the bull with the first calf crop. If you pay more than an extra $1318, you will go into other calf crops. How much more bull can you get for that $1318? It depends on the sale and situation. But how many times have we seen that bull go for just another 50 bucks? It is important to figure these comparisons so you don’t get into a situation where you pay more for the bull than you could ever recover. Also remember that spread between the EPD’s will make a difference too. In the above example, Bull C with a +40 EPD probably won’t make enough difference to justify more money. On the other hand, Bull D with a +70 EPD would be worth even more.
Additionally, if you are making comparisons between two bulls of different breeds, you need to add or subtract the appropriate adjustment factor from the across breed EPD chart produced by USDA Meat Animal Research Center. Most breed associations have copies of this or you can obtain one from the extension office. And finally, choose a bull that meets your requirements. If you are breeding heifers, choose a low birth weight and/or high calving ease direct bull. I’m gonna get on my soap box here! By low birth weight I don’t mean negative EPD’s either. Lower positive EPD’s will be fine. (I harped on this in a previous article so that is all I will say about it for now.) If you are breeding only mature cows, you can be a little less concerned with birth weight and calving ease EPD’s and concentrate on bulls with more growth. If you never keep or sell replacement heifers, the milk EPD is of little or no concern to you. Don’t try to find a bull that is perfect in all aspects. Find one that will optimize your operation and benefit buyers through the production chain. Never forget, we are in the beef business and in the end, someone will be eating what you produce.
If you have any questions, comments, or just want to debate the article, contact me at the Extension
office, 910-592-7161.