Plain View Community Center is continuing to improve registration opportunities for local youth by using RecDesk, thorough an Operation Round Up grant. Pictured are: Jay Schmidlin, Chair David Core, Ruth Carr and Abbie Begley.
‘Round Up’ energizes community; Sampson 4-H, Plain View Community Center benefit
South River EMC’s Community Assistance Corporation (CAC) recently awarded Operation Round Up grants totaling $48,509 to local non-profit organizations.
The following non-profit organizations received grants for $5,000: Buddy Back Pack Program for Harnett County, Inc.; Salem Methodist Afterschool Hours “SMASH”; Triangle South Literacy Works; Plain View Community Center; and Boone Trail Emergency Services. Also receiving funding were Beaver Dam Volunteer Fire Department, $5,732; Sampson County 4H, $2,677; Transitions Life Care, $10,000; Eastover Volunteer Fire Department Inc., $5,100.
“Through the Operation Round Up program, we witness the power of unity and generosity in action,” said VP of Member Services & PR Catherine O’Dell. “Each contribution, though small individually, amasses to be a significant force for good, enabling us to extend a helping hand to our community. We are proud to facilitate this initiative that reinforces the values of stewardship and collaboration that are the bedrock of our Cooperative.”
Operation Round Up is a voluntary program that enables members of South River EMC to round up their electric bill to the next whole dollar. For example, if a bill is $205.73, the bill rounds up to $206 and the extra 27¢ is deposited into the Community Assistance Corporation fund.
The amount donated through Operation Round Up every month amounts to no more than $6 a year, that small change added to others’ contributions makes for big changes in the community.
South River EMC accepts and reviews applications on a quarterly basis. The next deadline for applications is August 23 by 5 p.m. Applications, including guidelines, can be found online at sremc.com. Please note, handwritten applications are not accepted, and an online application is required.
South River EMC is a locally owned and operated electric cooperative, which provides electric service to 48,000 homes, farms and businesses in parts of Harnett, Cumberland, Sampson, Johnston and Bladen counties.