Writing stories about living in darkness or light will hopefully help people far and near turn to God in these troubled times with determination to go forth in faith…not fear.
Watching news casts induces worry, buying groceries and paying bills increases anxiety. Seeing seeing sinful living saturate our land with horrible happenings too bizarre to understand, watching Christian roots of Godly character rot as foreign countries consume our land, hearing elected leaders squabble and dishonor our Lord, watching cost of living expenses and taxes soar, loyal lovers of God across His creation praying and seeking His help like never before. We sadly see humility, love, fruit of the Spirit living, and respect for what is right in God’s sight not honored and adhered to anymore, Satan’s recruits grow greater day by day with evilness and vile living running rampant from shore to shore.
While loyal, loving Christians stay true to God’s Word and way – praying, worshiping, believing, and seeking Thee more. Yet, the evil one – so cunning and corrupt – keeps luring people into his dark domain to even up the score. God watches and waits – knowing every wicked scheme the devil plans hoping he will get an upper hand. God sees those who rebuke Him, rebel, fall away; He longs for sinners to repent and return to Him to stay. God watches loyal Christians loving, honoring, standing firm in faith day by day. Yet, the wiles of Satan keep growing within with God watching His creation – so beautiful and blessed – crumbling beneath a load of sin. Paying little attention to protecting and putting God first in ‘our country ‘tis of Thee – sweet land of liberty’… Satan slyly saturates America with darkness and deep rooted sin – from sea to shining sea.
When we take our eyes off Jesus and slowly sink in sin, we contribute to the troubles violently brewing within. We turn a blind eye to evil, leave God out of our plans, and give Satan an upper hand. While playing, partying, not paying attention to Him – we seal the seriousness of our fate as we sink in sin…the door has been opened and The Trojan Horse has come in!
While there is still time to turn to The Light, to repent, confess our sins, to the Lord, loved ones, and anyone we have aught against…let us seek Thee and make things right! God is still on the throne and sees our every deed. The time is now to seek Him with clean hearts and live by His commandment to Love Him First with all our heart, mind, and soul…and to love one another!
Let’s demolish the devil’s doings and let our lights shine ‘till Jesus comes. What is your answer to Him? Now is the time to turn to God, open the doors to our hearts, homes, and country and let Him come in… come in to stay, come in today, come into our hearts – Lord Jesus!
Becky Spell Vann is the owner/operator of Tim’s Gift Love Ministry.