Many churches and individuals pride themselves on the Ministries they do or provided for people. A quick and surprising look at what scripture says about Ministries may give all of us some insight.
The first insight into Ministries can be found in Genesis Chapter 18. In this chapter, Abraham was sitting in his tent door in the middle of the day to get away from the heat. He looked up and saw three men standing by him. Abraham immediately bowed before them and asked them to stay with him for a while. Abraham then began to serve them. He served them by having the feet washed and by preparing a meal for them. What Abraham did is what is called Ministry. The true definition of Ministry is “to serve.”
The three to whom Abraham was serving were two angels and the Lord Himself. This brings us to a very important point about Ministry. All Ministry must first be to the Lord. This point coincides with Colossians 3:23 which says, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” This is exactly what Abraham did. Abraham was also, by his actions,, showing us that if you cannot be a blessing to the Lord, you can never be a blessing to others. And when it come to blessing the Lord, faith does not delay. Remember, Abraham was a 99-year-old man, and he did not delay. This old man was running around making sure everything was done to heartily serve the Lord.
Abraham also gave the Lord the best that he had. To really have true and effective Ministry, you must do the best you can do and give the best that you have. Ministry is not about making a name for yourself, but it is about glorifying GOD!!! Hospitality is also a very important part of Ministry. As a matter of fact, Hospitality is a requirement to be in a leadership position in the church.
The bottom line is this. Every leader in the church including the Pastor, is there to serve and not be served.
Gilbert Owens is the minister at Kingdom of God Ministries.